Total de visualitzacions de pàgina:

dimecres, 14 de desembre del 2016


1-What is the comic relief?
The comic relief is a piece of a comic scene in horro movies.

2-Why is it often used in horror films?
Comic relief usually means a releasing of emotional or other tension resulting from a comic episode interposed in the midst of serious or tragic elements in a drama.

3-Do you remember laughing in horror films? Can you think of an example?
I saw the film with my firends to the cinema, and the film was Scary Movie 1.


1. Who's the director of this move Psycho?
The dircetor of the film is Alfred Hitchcock.

2. What type of characters did he often use in horror film?
The characters are between sanity and insanity and usually are Serial Killers.

3. What the technique did he use with the camera?
 He use frequently the subjective camera.

dimecres, 30 de novembre del 2016



The Conjuring 2, is a film of terror and of cases paranormals, directed by James Wan and premièred the 10 of june of the 2016.

This film is the sequela The Conjuring, was premièred the year 2013.
In these two films the protagonists are Patrick Wilson and True Farmiga, that star in in the two films a marriage of researchers of cases paranormals.
This time investigate a case paranormal to a house of England to the city of Enfiel.
In that case they will see surrounded of spirits and different mysterious babies.


dilluns, 28 de novembre del 2016


My best day of the summer.
I woke up me to the ten of the morning, went to prepare me some watermelon and a beaten of bananas, milk, avena and some calcium.
After went to the beach with different fellow.
After of lunch went to train a bit kickboxing, once finished the training were the thirst of the afternoon, went to berenar another beaten and met fellow.
We took the train and went to Barcelona where there would dine and would go us of party to a discotheque called Cocoa.
It was a fantastic day.


One of my best records of when was small, was when had a set years roughly, I was fanatical of the Barça, brought it in the heart and still bring it, then raised me for the morning and received an envelope, still had the llençols stuck, opened the envelope and saw the light at the end of the tunnel, saw two entries for the final of the Champions, put me to cry of the emotion.
I go can go to the classic, happened it to me a lot good.
Never I will forget this moment.


1- What is the story of tell-tale heart about? 
A guy who killed and old man because of his eye and then tryed to hide but he was to scared

2- Who wore the tell-heard and invented the first macabre stories?
Edgard Allan wrote the tell-heard.

3- What was the first P.H.S?
The first P.H.S was Matzengerstein.

4- When was it first published?
Of 14th January 1832.

5- What other story types did the author also ivent?

The romantic poems, the detective story(moderns and old) and the gothic fiction story.

dijous, 17 de novembre del 2016


In this small drafted, write on my starts in the martial art.
All began when does thing of some five months, my cousin already did some five years that practised the kickboxing, he insisted that you test it, that would love me.
Then more than nothing tested it to do it happy, but never thought that it would like me a sport much more that the football, the kickboxing has given me a lot of security in me same, is doing me fort physically and inwardly.
Never me  penediré of having tested this sport, right now am totally stuck and within of little will begin to compete.
These are my starts in the Kickboxing.

This is the symbol of my club:


1- Who invented the G.N? 
The Ghotic Novel was invented by Horace Walpole.

2- What was the first G.N? 

The first Gotic Novel was The Castle of Oranto.

3- When was it first published? 

The first published was in the 1764..

4- Which basic elements of horror didn't you include on your list? Darkness, caves, zombies, dark, mystery, etc.


-Ruined sections.

-Uneven floors.




My idol or my example to follow is in Muhammad Ali.
Muhammad Ali is one of the practitioners of kickboxing and boxeig more known and with more prestige of the world.
He is one of my idols, why has taught me to be strong, to not to surrender me pass him it that pass and that any person can achieve all what propose  while I strain  day behind day.
It does thing of some months died, that in peace rest.
This sentence is the sentence that likes me more than him:
I hated each minute of training but said "do not renounce. It suffers now and will live the rest of your life how a champion". -Muhammad Ali-

dimarts, 15 de novembre del 2016


One of my big dreams is being a star of the martial art called Kickboxing.
Already I bring practising this sport some five months roughly.
To achieve this dream will do what it was necessary, will struggle, will train a lot and especially will believe in that I can it conseguir, why  that can.
I expect power conseguir this big dream, will struggle and will do all what have between my hands for to get it.

dijous, 27 d’octubre del 2016


This is my result of my multiples intelligences test.

My results indicated:

In this chart of the intelligences indicates that I am much better in the sportive and intellectual aspects, that no not in languages.
In concrete that me woman much better the assignatures of biology, physical and chemical and physical education.

dimecres, 19 d’octubre del 2016


1- Be the best kickboxer in the world.
2- Be a black belt kickboxing.
3- Be a model.
4- Have a boat.
5- Live a zombie apocalypse.
6- I want to travel a lot.
7- I want the motorcycle card.
8- I want to do photodepilation before summer 2017.
9- I want to do some tattoos.
10- I want to go to tomorrowland.
11- I want my parents to be eternal.
12-I want to take my high school diploma.
13- I want to have dogs all my life.
14- I want to be safe or DJ.
15- I want to meet Neymar.


The animal I have inside is the lion.

-My features are medium to large size.
-good locking.

-Social worker.

