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dimecres, 26 d’abril del 2017


This image is made in Rome, on one of the main streets.
In the middle of the picture there are two boys, one wearing a gray sweatshirt and one blue hat the other wearing a blue sweatshirt.
On the left there are houses and two people in the background.
The image uses an effect in which the landscape is blurred to make the two children in the photo stand out more.

The colors are very bright and very clear.



The Fifty Shades Of Grey is a romantic and erotic movie.

This film is based  to Anastasia, one student of 21 years, that lives with her companion of apartment Katherine, Katherine is a writer of the newspaper of the university. One day the Katherine is ill and Anastasia  replaces going to the interview with  Christian Grey, Grey is a young rich employer.
After this interview where there was sexual tension, not see again until one day, in Grey appears to the ironmongery where worked Anastasia, from that moment begins a history very erotic between them two.