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dimecres, 25 de gener del 2017


Donald John Trump, been born to Queens, New York the 14 of June of the 1946, is a politician, presenter of television, empresor, escritori and millonari estatunidenc, is the 45th president of the United States since the 20 of January of the 2017.

Trump During his career, has founded vàries companies, how for example Trump Entertaiment Resorts.
It has founded different hotels, casinos, towers of offices and fields of gulf.

In June of the 2015 presented to the candidature for the presidential elections of the 2016, won them duplicating the votes of the Hilary Clinton.

dimecres, 11 de gener del 2017


For this year 2017, would like me begin it well so much with the studies and in the sports.

I want to concentrate me with the studies, pass them all and therefore take me out the ESO with an average note of seven.

Also want to pass the examination of 125cc of motorbike to the first.

I want to work this summer and win me a money for my expenses.

I want to achieve the green belt of kickboxing.

Finally, I want to health for me, for my family and for all the people that surrounds me.